Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Busy week

It has been really busy for Alfe's Cause during the past week. After seeing a  children's charity asking for help to make a special boy's wish to have tea with the Queen we made a phone call to a theatre where Dame Helen Mirren is performing as the Queen and cheekily asked if she would be kind enough to meet Oliver. Our cheekiness paid off and last Wednesday Oliver and his family went in a limo (organised by the NC TLC Trust) to London where he had tea with the Queen (Dame Helen Mirren in character as the Queen) and fed her Corgi's biscuits. Since the Press got hold of the meeting Oliver's story has gone global and a lot of donations to his fund have kindly been made. If you would like to find out about what Ollie is up to visit: https://www.facebook.com/OneLittleLifeInspiresEveryone?fref=ts

On Thursday evening families from Alfe's Cause went to Circus Starr and had a great time. It was lovely to see the children laughing and we are extremely grateful to Michelle for sharing her tickets.

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